Magic mushrooms while pregnant

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THE BOOK!!!! Wait what? Isn’t this a kickstarter for the pregnancy book? YES…and it’s giving birth :) Many pregnant women know that they have to increase their intake of nutrient-dense foods when they8217;re pregnant, and fruit and veggies are top of that list. Since mushrooms are nutritious and versatile, it seems like a great idea to eat them, right? The answer isn8217;t so straightforward. Chlorophyllum molybdites, The green-spored parasol, is the most common mushroom cause of human poisonings in North America leading to severe gastro-intestinal distress, sometimes with blood in the vomitus and excrement.Pets can also be poisoned. Be to keep any mushrooms that grow in your yard picked and disposed of (the mushrooms are safe to pick up and throw away). For both humans and pets, intravenous rehydration therapy is most important, with any other symptoms treated on a symptomatic basis.