Learn How To perform on The Web Roulette

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After signing up with an online casino and loading your account with funds, choose roulette from the game menu. Be sure to choose European as opposed to American roulette, which has two zero spaces and thus much worse odds. Once you find a table, all you have to do is drag the amount of chips you want to bet on the area of the layout where you want to bet them. Making cash Through Internet on-line Poker to spin the wheel and when the ball lands in a slot, see if you've won. Remember that if you are playing a real money game, the chip amounts that you drag onto the layout will be deducted from your real money account.

In the casinos, all roulette is played for real money. It's the spinning wheel and a single ball that decides the outcome, but each bet is placed upon a grid that's laid out on the corresponding roulette table. Upon this grid, you may bet a specific number (1 to 36), the 0 or the double 0. You may also bet for a specific color - red or black. Other bets allow you to bet on a set of twelve numbers, odd numbers, even numbers, or other number groups.

Using the same concept, we can apply this to online roulette that enhances our odds of winning, rather then just placing chips blindly all over the roulette table.

Legend has it that Francois Blanc allegedly negotiated with the Devil so as to access the secrets of the game of roulette. This legend partly derived depending on the detail that the total of the numbers, from 0 to 36, on the roulette wheel comes to 666. This is believed to be the "Number of the beast".

Basically, playing roulette involves making bets by placing chips on the table. The dealer will then throw the ball opposite the direction of how the wheel spins. Whatever slot the ball lands on will be the winning number. You win if the number you bet on is where the ball landed. If <!DOCTYPE html><br/><br/><html xmlns=

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function AutoSaveB3Draft()

if ($(".buttondivnewpost").css('display') == 'block')

setTimeout(function ()

, 500);*/

$(window).load(function ()

//This is to reduce the font size dropdown list
$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Sizes]').find('span').css('width', '29px');
/*$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').hide();
$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').find('span').text('Aa').css('width', '20px');
$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').show();*/
//$('.mce-tinymce').find('[aria-label = Font Family]').find('span').text('Aa').css('width', '35px');
$('.mce-tinymce').find("span:contains('Formats')").text('AA').css('width', '23px');

$(".EditorShareDiv").css("width", "300px");
$(".EditorShareDiv").css("margin-top", "3px");
$(".EditorShareDiv").css("float", "left");
$("#mce_54").css('margin-left', '305px');*/

function SetText()

var sizeid = $(".mce-text")[0].id;
$("#" + sizeid).html("Size");

function Close()

if (IsSlideShow)


var IsSlideShow = false;
function OpenSlideShow(pnlClose, pnlOpen, This)

IsSlideShow = true;
if ($("#slideShowPreview img").length > 0)


$("#btnSlideShow").css('display', 'inline-block');
$("#btnSlideShowPlay").css('display', 'inline-block');

//$("#" + pnlClose).removeAttr("style");
//$("#" + pnlClose).attr("style", "width:100%;display:none");
//$("#" + pnlOpen).removeAttr("style");
//$("#" + pnlOpen).attr("style", "width:100%;display:block");

function PinToEditor()

if ($.trim($("#slideShowPreview").html()) != "")

// var str = "";
// str += "
// str += $("#slideShowPreview").html();
// str += "
// str = "<img src='img/blog/SlideShow.png'/>";

tinymce.activeEditor.setContent(tinymce.activeEditor.getContent().replace(SlideShowIcon, ));


IsSlideShow = false;
$("#pnlPhotoOption table td:first").show();

//Function for insert image from my album to editor
function GotoMessageEditor(ImagePath)

if (IsSlideShow)

//alert("slideshow 1");
<img src=\"' + ImagePath + '" />

if ($("#slideShowPreview img").length > 0)

$("#btnSlideShow").css('display', 'inline-block');


var goto = "<a class='lightbox' target=_blank href='" + (ImagePath) + "'> <img src='" + (ImagePath) + "' /></a>";


title="Share Images" class="EditorShare3" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Images')"

style="display: none;">

title="Share Images" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Images')">

title="Share Gifts" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Gifts')">

title="Share My Experiences" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Exp')">

title="Share Video" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Video')">

title="Embed HTML" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'HTML')">

title="Share Documents" class="EditorShare" onclick="ShowPanelContainer(this.src,this.title,'Doc')">

<textarea id="Editor" name="Editor" style="width: 100%; height: 400px"></textarea>

<input type="hidden" name="hidLogo" id="hidLogo" />

<input type="hidden" name="hidFile" id="hidFile" />




Heading <input id="txtBlogHead" maxlength="150" class="InputBox" name="ccHead" type="text" <br="" /> placeholder="Heading" required="required"><span style="display: none; color: red;" <br=""></span> id="spnHeadRequired"> * Heading field required.


[ ] style="text-decoration: underline;" id="SlideShowText">Add Slide Show [ ] style="text-decoration: underline;" value="Birthday">Add Image URL [ ] style="text-decoration: underline;" value="Smileys">Upload Photo [ ] value="AlbumImages">Album Images